Drawing Out Trauma

You know that feeling…the one where you're the empath, the expert, the fixer, the strong one for everyone else? But deep down, you're carrying a heavy load of responsibility, doubt, and exhaustion. Longing for someone to simply —just help you or care for you! It's time to let go of that weight, to heal the conditioning that has formed the patterns that keep you from truly connecting and thriving.

Imagine a world where you're not just the expert, but the beloved, the supported, your authentic self!

The next series starts on October 26, 2024!

  • You are an empath, healer, people pleaser, coach, therapist, manager, caregiver…holder of space.

  • The one who often feels the weight of responsibility to always be the fixer, the expert.

  • The one who battles imposter syndrome, creative burnout, and the constant pressure to have it all together.

  • The one who, despite their own struggles, tends to step back and ponder, 'I may be upset, but I know they are acting this way because...' Often suppressing their own emotions to rationalize others' actions.

  • The one who is ready to transform these deeply rooted patterns and beliefs of always needing to be the fixer, the expert, the professional. By addressing the foundation of these beliefs. Finally allowing themselves to be truly supported, acknowledged, helped, and cared for, even in the smallest (yet significant) ways! Just because you do it for a living, doesn’t mean you have to do it for everyone in your life!

Does this sound like you?

If you are shaking your head to any of those…

Hi, I’m Robin and I totally get it!

I'm Robin Rene Burgin, a dedicated Somatic Experiencing™ and Expressive Arts Practitioner, passionate about helping holders of space…healers, coaches, business owners, directors and creatives… unlock the wisdom within their bodies. 

For 15 years, I was an empathetic leader, caring for others at the expense of myself until my body demanded change. Through Somatic Experiencing™  and my natural creativity, I discovered the deep connection between creative expression and somatic healing.

This led to healing years of trauma, turning my passion for ART into a thriving creative business and bringing to life a new FORM of healing for leaders, space holders, directors and practitioners that combines both the body's intelligence and creative expression.  

I believe that the body holds everything it needs to heal, I guide clients to approach their experiences with curiosity and compassion. 

As a Somatic Experiencing™ (SEP) and Expressive Arts Practitioner, I guide you in interpreting your non-verbal signals, helping you heal and break through the invisible barriers that have held you back by putting them onto canvas and releasing them from your nervous systems memory so you can learn to feel safe creating new boundaries within your leadership and go deeper with your own practice to serve your clients in an even more impactful way . 

Whether you're working through trauma patterns, overwhelm,self doubt, overgiving, burn out, or just seeking deeper self-awareness, I offer a gentle, body-based approach to foster inner peace and rediscover your innate wholeness and embody your competency to create deeper connections and higher levels of confidence to lead, create and heal others.

If you're reading this story and thinking, “Oh my gosh this sounds just like me!” allow me to introduce you to — Drawing Out Trauma!

Drawing Out Trauma is?

Is an 8-Week Immersive Experience that will help you break free from the self-protective walls that often hinder your ability to experience the nurturing care you crave. By shedding the heavy burden of always being the responsible one, the expert, the healer, or the fixer, you'll discover a newfound sense of connection and authenticity.

Rooted in Somatic Experiencing™ and Expressive Art Therapy, this unique approach to self-exploration and emotional release utilizes the power of rhythm and repetition. Forget about creating a masterpiece; the essence of this practice lies in the act of curiosity, play, creative expression and being with our experience (not trying to ‘fix’ it!). If we truly want to ‘feel better’; we need to be better at feeling.

In our 8-weeks together, we will partner to learn the language of your body, give a ‘voice’ to your unwanted beliefs/behaviors, explore new ways to express yourself and build resilience. So that you no longer have to carry the weight of the world on your shoulders and release pent-up emotions, tensions, or "holdings" stored deep within your body.

What’s Included:

🖍 Six 90-Minute Group Workshop Sessions

  • Dates: Oct 6, Nov 4, Nov 9, Nov 23, Dec 7, Dec 14

    ( 5 classes will be held on Saturday, Please note that Nov 4 is a Monday @ 5:30PM)

  • Time: 10:00 AM - 11:30 AM PST

🎨 All art supplies and materials

👥 Two Private Somatic Experiencing + Expressive Arts Sessions with Robin Burgin. In person or via zoom.

  • We'll find a mutually beneficial time for our private sessions.

  • These one-on-one sessions are a cornerstone of this immersive healing series. They’re a sacred space for you to explore what's arising during these eight weeks. Together, we’ll partner to create a supportive environment where you can connect with your experiences and deepen your healing journey.

📱 8 weeks of Telegram support in between sessions

  • Weekly: Tuesday - Thursday

  • Private Telegram support offers a lifeline of connection. It's a place to share your experiences, ask questions, and stay connected between sessions

🏄🏻‍♀️ Weekly Somatic and Expressive Arts exercises tailored to your needs (somatic, orienting, journaling, etc)

🎁 Creativity Care Package

  • A few of my favorite art materials for you to explore and express yourself in between our sessions

I invite you to take a moment to imagine what’s possible for you…

  • Release  the overwhelming sense of needing to do more or be more to succeed, trying to hide who you truly are to be seen as “acceptable or professional” and feeling exhausted from the masking to finally allowing yourself to be supported, seen, helped and held even down to the little things (actually big things) like  allowing your partner to make you that cup of coffee or load the dishwasher because, yea, you may do it ‘better’ but you aren’t responsible for doing everything!

  • Disrupt the  constant “I’m the expert” mode and the need to over intellectualize your experiences, your sadness, your aches, your pains AND STOP trying to answer the question, “This is happening BECAUSE…” and allow yourself to embrace vulnerability without shame for “knowing better’ so you can create deeper intimacy with your partner and do deeper work with your clients 

  • You will stop making excuses for others' behaviors and still give to people who are a constant energy suck and  you are only tolerating because you are the expert and you understand why or where it is coming from. 

Before moving on, really take a moment to notice what it’s like to read the list above…What emotions arise?

I want you to know that all of this is really possible! You truly can move past those emotions that feel like they will never go away.

No, it is not a quick fix, but I promise it will be a deep and profound experience that allows for lasting change.

Katie Brauer

“This practice is extraordinary. Prepare for a multidimensional, deeply moving, uplifting, magic carpet ride!”

Katharine Kim, DACM, L.Ac.

“Robin is a compassionate and caring healer, who personally created a safe space for me to be completely vulnerable, express raw emotions and speak my truth through not only words, but through the series of drawings I created during the sessions. This unique modality of the healing arts truly underscores the deep mind-body connection, and I am truly grateful for Robin helping me learn express, and heal.”

Are you ready to let go of that weight, to heal the conditioning that has formed the patterns that keep you from truly connecting and thriving?

If so, I invite you to join me this Fall for

Drawing Out Trauma

Full Price: $2,330

2024 Fall session starts: October 26, 2024!

You will step into 2025 as a renewed version of yourself!

“Our senses are always cross talking to create unique impressions and feelings about our world. And because the arts, by their very nature, are strong sensory inputs that engage multiple systems, they are uniquely capable of accessing interconnected neural pathways that allow us to process emotions, name and express our feelings, and even work on accessing the unconscious psyche.” 

- Your Brain on Art