Personal Sessions

More than fixing or managing, I offer a safe space to explore and be with the wisdom of your body.

My offerings

Through Somatic Experiencing and Expressive Arts, we'll explore the link between body sensations, thoughts, and behaviors.

Introductory Call

20 min | Virtual

The purpose of this complimentary call is to meet one-on-one, answer any questions and see if we are a good fit to work together.

Personal Sessions

60 min & 90 min | Virtual or In Person

Personalized 1:1 sessions that focus on your innate wisdom and leaving space for your natural rhythm to lead the way. So that we can gently explore what needs to come up and out.

In session, we explore the power of you. We will explore movement, touch (always with your consent), and creativity alongside conversation.

Somatic Experiencing

What is Somatic Experiencing:

Somatic Experiencing™ (SE) takes your healing journey beyond the mind and into the wisdom held within your body. We'll work together to gently explore your physical sensations, allowing them to guide us towards deeper understanding and release. Unlike traditional talk therapy, SE focuses less on verbalizing your story and more on feeling into the emotions and experiences stored within your body.

Because you already have everything you need to heal. Sensations, emotions, and memories are all resources we can use to notice, explore, and understand the current-day behaviors or patterns that leave you feeling anxious, stuck, overwhelmed, helpless, or experiencing physical pain. Through a gentle exploration of these sensations, we can create space for release and discover a path towards feeling more grounded, empowered, and at ease in your own body. Remember, you are the expert of your own experience, and I'm here to guide and support you on your journey of self-discovery and healing.

How SE may show up in session:

Im session, you might notice a tightness in your chest as we discuss a past event. Instead of delving solely into the memory, we might explore this physical sensation together. Is it a heaviness, a burning, or a fluttering? As we pay attention, the sensation might shift, soften, or even dissolve entirely, offering a natural pathway towards emotional release and healing.

This is just one example of how SE can unfold in a session. It's a collaborative process, led by your body's unique responses and rhythms. By tuning into these physical cues, we can unlock deeper layers of understanding and release, paving the way for lasting transformation.

Guided Drawing

What is Guided Drawing:

Guided Drawing® is a unique approach to self-exploration and emotional release that uses the power of rhythm and repetition. Forget about creating a masterpiece; the essence of this technique lies in the act of drawing itself. It provides a safe and non-verbal way to tap into and release pent-up emotions, tensions, or "holdings" stored in your body. These "holdings" can often be deeply connected to past experiences and can influence our behavior in ways we might not even realize.

The "guided" part of Guided Drawing® comes in when we gently shift our focus away from the constant chatter of our minds and towards the natural rhythm of our bodies. By engaging in rhythmic and repetitive movements with our drawing hand, we can bypass the analytical thinking of the neocortex and access the language of the limbic system and brainstem, which operate primarily through rhythm and pattern. This allows us to connect with deeper emotional states and release any trapped energy associated with them, ultimately leading to a greater sense of self-awareness and emotional regulation.

How Guided Drawing may show up in session:

In session we may find that there is an experience or sensation that cannot be expressed with words. That is where creativity comes in — specifically the magic of Guided Drawing!

In this case, you will draw with both hands and eyes closed. You will rely on rhythmic repetitions to tap into your procedural memories to form new neural pathways that lead can lead to new behaviors, mindsets, and perspectives. I will be there with you the entire time. Holding a safe space for you to explore what wants to come up and out.

For example, if you paint anger, you may start to notice the physical sensations associated with anger. This awareness can help you identify and manage anger more effectively in the future.

“Our senses are always cross talking to create unique impressions and feelings about our world. And because the arts, by their very nature, are strong sensory inputs that engage multiple systems, they are uniquely capable of accessing interconnected neural pathways that allow us to process emotions, name and express our feelings, and even work on accessing the unconscious psyche.” 

- Your Brain on Art